B i o g r a p h y
Matthew Warren is a composer, writer, researcher and educator.
Matthew's hope for the future lies in impactful action to create a rejuvenated natural world (humans included!) In pursuit of this, Matthew cofounded Earthscope Isle of Man, a social enterprise dedicated to inspiring and supporting bold, ecologically sound decision making at every level.
Convinced that creativity is at the root of what we can all give to the world, Matthew lecturers at University College, Isle of Man, both in music and creativity more generally. His own creativity manifests in composing whenever he can, writing poetry and fiction incessantly, but most of all, he loves to be creative alongside others also exploring the boundaries of their imaginations. He has also guest-written several essays, including for AimHi Earth and The Corporate Law Journal.
Matthew completed his MA in Composition at Durham University, an interest which then developed into his later research. In 2022, he was awarded a doctorate for his thesis titled Composing Institutions and Institutionalising Composers. This was build on his ethnographic research into composers-academics' work and the impact of universities on contemporary composition.
From 2021-22 he held a visiting fellowship at St Mary's College, Durham University, as well as a teaching fellowship in the Music Department and has also been the musical director of Grey College Choir and St Mary's College Chapel, Durham University. He is currently Musical Director of The Tallis Consort.